Terminal and LCD panel Vector Font-Cliparts and Fonts

Terminal and LCD panel Vector Font-Cliparts and Fonts

Set of 4 vector font cliparts and 3 OTF/TTF fonts, “Terminal and LCD panels” for creating old LCD or LED panel style graphics, departure table in airport, flip-clock design etc.
The set consists of 4 different letter/number set – 2 style of LCD/LED, one 5×7 dot terminal and flip-clock style symbol set. For dot terminal and both LCD style additional system font files (.OTF and .TTF format) for fast works with big amount of text.


  • Terminal and LCD panel font-clipart is good for creating design elements like electronic panel, airport info-boards, clock, timers, counters, retro electronic elements etc
  • There is 4 different fonts style. – 5×7 pixels pattern for emulating LED information board like arrival-departure boards in airports, score boards for sport games etc. Set contain all latin letters lowercase and uppercase, numbers and many symbols.
  • LCD set emulate old LCD/LED electronic info panel like electronic watch, weather station or car-audio systems. Set contain all latin letters, numbers and many symbols.
  • “LCD simple” set emulate most popular 7-elements old LCD/LED electronic info panel for numbers only like in electronic watch. Set contain all latin letters, numbers and few symbols. In real life this 7 elements can show only numbers and just few latin letters, other letters maked by some “modify” of standart 7-element base :).
  • Both LCD font-sets contain both “clear” version of letters and version with low opacity innactive “base” for better reaistic view. ZIP contain versions for LCD panels (gray bg, like electronic watch) and LED panels (black bg, like car audio)
  • Flip-clock symbols set contain dark and white BG variants.
  • Vector format of the clipart allows for virtually any use including professional publishing and printing. This images is a vector illustrations and can be scaled to any size without loss of resolution.
  • EPS10 file format can be opened in even old version of software. Adobe Illustrator can be any vesion of CS (Creative Suit) or CC (Creative Cloud). ZIP also contain AI source, (Illustrator CS6 or above)
  • For writting big amount of text this font-clipart also contain system fonts: “Terminal 5×7”, “LCD panel” and “LCD simple”. OTF and TTF format, regular and monospace versions for each.



Terminal and LCD panel Font-Clipart contain:

13 EPS files (and 4 AI surce)

3 regular and 3 monospace OTF/TTF system fonts


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You will be redirected to the reseller. The file size is about 70mb.

Any questions or requests: fontclipart@gmail.com