Terminal and LCD panel Vector Font-Cliparts and Fonts

Terminal and LCD panel Vector Font-Cliparts and Fonts


Set of 4 vector font cliparts and 3 OTF/TTF fonts, “Terminal and LCD panels” for creating old LCD or LED panel style graphics, departure board in airport, flip-clock design etc.
The set consists of 4 different letter/number set – 2 style of LCD/LED, one 5×7 dot terminal and flip-clock style symbol set. For dot terminal and both LCD style additional system font files (.OTF and .TTF format) for fast works with big amount of text.



8-bit Old Computers Font-Cliparts Set

8-bit Old Computers Font-Cliparts Set


Set of 4 vector font cliparts and system fonts, “8 bit Old Computers” for retro computer, gaming or other themes.
The set consists of 4 different fonts each in “solid” and “pixilate” versions, and as vector images can be scaled to any size without loss of resolution.
Vector EPS file format allow open files in most popular graphics software, include Adobe illustrator, Corel Draw and others.



Emoticons Font Clipart

Emoticon font clipart


This spectacular font set consisting of 45 glyphs, whith resolution 4000px in height.
Such high resolution opens a wide range of applications of the clipart from game and web design to advertising and publishing.
Each glyph in the set is supplied in JPG and PSD version for instant deployment and maximum usage comfort. Every letter in the font set is build from smiling faces – classical web emotions symbols making the text written with the font extremely original and eye-catching.

